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Leading business from Reality to Vision...

Inspiring a new way to do business

We encourage businesses to create a vision, understand their reality, and use the ambition between them to accomplish results.

Inspired by nature, VeintiunoDiez offers business plan services, workshops, programs, courses, and the skill-tree of booklets with the intention of crafting a better world

How we do it
The steps to success

- Begin at the End -
Crafting the Vision

A vision of the result you want to create.
Define the result you want to create independently from
"how" you will create it.

- Reality is not the enemy -
Benchmarking the Now

A clear view of the reality you now have.
Auditing the current conditions, free of judgment, not expecting what we want, analyzing what we have before our eyes...

- Pushing for results -
Understanding Tension

Between the reality and vision exist energy known as ambition, the discrepancy among them contains the power that enables you to create.

- Create a Process -
Planning for success

Define steps for carrying out a strategic plan that is tailored to each business's demands, generate actions in order to accomplish your goals.

- Following the steps -

Phases of analysis, execution and testing according to the market, the business ecosystem and the feedback gathered

- Imagine new goals -
Scaling to grow

Establish fresh goals to expand your vision towards growing and achieving scalability

How can we help?

Here you will find every service available to assist your business

Clear your Path

Business Trigger Plan
  • What's the best and easiest way to spark a business?

Bamboo Method

Business Growth Strategy
  • Taking a business from good to great;
    what makes it successful?

Acorn to Oak

Complete Project Planning
  • How to turn a business idea into a complete project?

Brand Alchemy

Branding Blueprint
  • Is your brand failing to connect with customers?

*Not sure which option is best for you?
Choose a discovery call on the calendar

Book a call with Veintiuno!

VoIP. Don't ask how.-gigapixel-art-scale-4_00x
El Equilibrista
Terra Camiare

Skill Tree of Booklets

...inspired by looking into nature we have created the first SkillTree showing that money can grow on trees...

Money does grows on Trees

Download the Starting Guide

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The Path

The purpose of these phases is to provide clarity on what is ahead, It will take some time to reply, so be sure to have some available

⚡ The responses are not saved until the submit button is pressed

Currently The Path isn’t available from mobile or tablet devices. To have the full experience we encourage you to access from a laptop or a widescreen monitor.

Thanks for understanding 💛

When thinking about the answer,
pay more attention to the actual circumstances
and less to the "idea" of the desired outcome.

At the end, you will receive an email with your responses and feedback about it...

🎶Before start we recommend push play in the music menu (down on the left side of the screen)

Motivation is fuel that influences the outcome of our actions and explains why some tasks appear simple and others are challenging struggles.
If you need assistance, read this booklet about Motivation 📕
Power without control is useless...

Establish S.M.A.R.T. objectives in specific numbers for tracking progress

Identify the resources available and what aren't; consider time as one of the most important
The Path has come to a stop for now.

This journey will continue in your email, where these answers will provide an unexpected reveal...
...and how to continue the quest!

See you in the inbox | 💛
VeintiunoDiez © | 2024
Made with🌱 in Córdoba - Argentina


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Contact Us

Let's create community!

Social media is where we build communities,
share your idea with us so we can spread it out!
Engage with us, comment, share or repost...

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a CALL or an EMAIL?

You may choose to manually input our email




🎵 | Disclaimer Regarding Music Embedded from Spotify

The music you hear on this website is provided through Spotify’s embed feature.
By using this feature, we abide by Spotify’s terms and conditions of use.

We do not claim ownership or control over the music made available through Spotify.
All rights to the music belong to their respective owners and licensees.

This website does not offer music downloads or streaming outside of the Spotify embed player.

💚 | Icons Attribution
This website utilizes icons created by the talented Mattahan | Paul Davey.

If you enjoy his art, please consider supporting 💸| Patreon

You can find more of their exceptional work here | DeviantArtInstagram

Every client that works with us, will be supporting the artist trough our patronage.

🤖 | Some icons are edited by us or created with IA

📚| Copyright Disclaimer for Website Content and Booklets

All content (text, images, graphics, logos, etc.) on this website and the published booklets associated with it are the intellectual property of Martin Llorens Caminotti | VeintiunoDiez.

VeintiunoDiez © 2024 by Martin Llorens Caminotti is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Clear your Path...

Week 1 | Initial statement

📋 | Self-Assessment
Participants explore their strengths, weaknesses, interests, values, and risk tolerance through tailored questionnaires and discussions.

🌎 | Market Exploration
Delve into current market trends, identifying potential business opportunities that align with participant interests.

🧭 | Skills Gap Analysis
Assess existing skills and identify areas requiring development for chosen business paths.

📌 | Goal Setting
Set SMART goals to have a clear and coherent outcome.

🪓 | Resources Analysis
Define the allocated and needed resources.

📚 | Branding
Set the voice and visual identity of your brand

🔥 | Action Plan Creation
A personalized plan outlining resources, timelines, and next steps for moving forward.

We’ll help you identify the business concept that aligns with your skills based on your strengths, interests, and market demand. Then equip you with actionable steps to turn your idea into a real thriving business.

Bamboo Method!

Week 1-2 | Foundation & Focus

🌱 | Building on fertile ground
Identify the business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, and planning ahead.

 💡 | Idea Refinement, Problem Validation & Customer Discovery
Ensuring that the idea solves a genuine customer problem and has market potential.

 ✍🏼 | Market Research & Analysis
Understand the target audience, competitive landscape, and industry trends.

⏳ | Developing Timeline & Milestones
Define a top view of the project, ensuring it delivers on the value proposition.

💵 | Financial Planning Fundamentals
Ensure the basics of financial planning, forecasting revenue, costs, and profitability.

✅ | Business Registration and Legal Structure
Registration processes and analysis of relevant laws and regulations.

🍀 | Team + Personal traits
Identifying the skills, experience, and personality traits.

 🤝🏼 | Partners + Competitors
External environment surrounding your business.

 🪓 | Resources
Tangible and intangible, as well as internal and external.

💬 | Speaking Your Brand
Develop brand voice, craft brand story & messaging consistency

📚 | Branding Material Identification
Branded marketing materials exploration & definition

🎨 | Visual Identity Elements
Logo design, color palette selection, typography analysis, visual style & iconography

📏 | Goal Setting & Metrics
Set SMART to track progress and measure success.

📒 | Action Plan Creation
Action plan outlining the steps needed to execute.

📣 | Marketing & Sales Strategy Development
Develop a targeted marketing and sales strategy.

The Bamboo Method is a program designed to help you develop or revamp your business model.  Inspired by the rapid growth of bamboo, this program equips you with the tools and framework to build a strong brand.

Acorn to Oak

Stage 1 | Validation, Market and Project basics

💡 | Idea Validation & Self-Assessment

📗 | Market Benchmark + Total Addressable Market (TAM)

⌛ | Timeline & Milestones

💬 | Communication & Collaboration

✋🏼 | Team Building & Hiring + Personal traits

💛 | Partners + Competitors

📈 | Resources + Financial Planning & Budgeting

💚 | Brand Core + Value proposition + Customer Journey Mapping

📩 | Messaging + Storytelling + Social impact analysis

📕 | Visual Identity + Guidelines

🔬 | Product/Service Development & Iteration

🔨 | Operations development

💻 | Marketing Strategy | Website & Online Presence

 🧪 | Industry Specificity

📝 | Social Media Blueprint

🔎 | Advertising Research

📆 | Metrics | Future Planning

🚀 | Launch | Validation | MVP + Feedback

🌱 | Growth | Scalability | Continue Improvement

📘 | Learning & Adaptability

💸 | Finances | Revenue, costs, profit, Assets & Liabilities

📙 | Legal | Business Registration and Legal Structure

🚪 | Acquisition | Merger | IPO | MBO | ESOP | Family | Liquidation

Brand Alchemy

Week 1-2- 3 | Brand Discovery Workshop

💡 | Market Benchmark
Counterparts branding strategies, identifying opportunities for differentiation.

🍃 | Brand Core Exploration
Identify your brand’s core values, mission, archetype and target audience.

 👣| Customer Journey Mapping
Identifying touch-points where branding plays a role

📣 | Speaking Your Brand
Develop brand voice, craft brand story & messaging consistency

📚 | Branding Material Identification
Branded marketing materials exploration & definition

🎨 | Visual Identity Elements
Logo design, color palette selection, typography analysis, visual style & iconography

📘 | Brand Guidelines
Ensure consistent application of your visual identity

🚀 | Brand Launch Strategy
Generate awareness and excitement for your revamped brand

Book a call

*In case the calendar fails to load, please reload the site

**Rotate the device if the calendar is not fully visible

Starting Guide

Money does grows on Trees

Contrary to the popular opinion that cash doesn’t do such things, we have created the first Tree where currency can be cultivated.
This project was inspired by looking into nature and following the way things evolve in the wilderness as a journey of continuous learning and growth.

The Skill Tree will develop through concepts propagating organically on each twig, creating a collection of knowledge for business that will be able to apply to personal life too.


The Why

Imagine there was a way to dramatically increase your motivation; a process to find the encouragement to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and accomplish all your goals…
While motivation can be surprisingly complex and rarely falls into clear categories, it is possible to lure it purposefully by just understanding a couple of concepts and applying some exercises. With intention and practice, you can cultivate a steady flame of motivation that fuels your journey.

Business Models

The process of thinking Businesses

The business model stands as the cornerstone of any enterprise. It acts as the blueprint, the strategic roadmap, and the lens through which a company perceives and interacts with the world.
More than just a financial plan, it represents every aspect of the nature of how a business operates, creates value, and captures a market. In essence, it is a path to sustainability defined as The Process of Thinking Businesses.

Creation Processes

The art of getting
the MOST of our TIME

Imagine that every minute, over 500,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube alone.

That’s the equivalent of 57 years of content every single hour! This statistic isn’t just overwhelming; it’s an important reminder of the escalating battle for attention. In this environment, where immersion spans shrink faster than a tweet’s duration, the art of content creation is no longer a luxury; it’s a survival skill for businesses.

Finances Made Easy

Money Management

Organizing finances can feel like a complex enterprise, a daunting task, leaving an overwhelming feeling even to consider it.

The most common reason is that we don’t have financial education in our early years; this often translates into uncertainty and negativity, leading to a scarcity mindset around money through our adult lives.

Our Truths

The search for Truthfulness

What holds true for one culture might be contradictory to another. What seems evident in one era might be challenged by the next. Even within the same society, diverse interpretations and lived experiences complicate the notion of a single, unified truth.

Despite these challenges, the search persists. Perhaps it’s not about finding a single, absolute truth, but about recognizing recurring themes, patterns of human experience that resonate across boundaries.

Clear Your Path Assessment

Verify your eligibility for "Starting a Business"

Pro tip: Answer with the truth of today, not the idea of tomorrow;
this accurate perception will help you more than a promising idea of the future.

Bamboo Method Assessment

Verify your eligibility for "Bamboo Method"

Pro tip: Answer with the truth of today, not the idea of tomorrow;
this accurate perception will help you more than a promising idea of the future.

Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy describes how veintiuno-diez.com (“we”, “us”, or “our”) collects, uses, and discloses your personal information when you use our website (the “Service”) and the choices you have associated with that data.

Legal Basis for Processing
We process your personal information based on several legal grounds under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including:

Contract: In some cases, we need to process your personal information to fulfill a contract with you, such as processing your order and delivering the products you purchased.
Legitimate Interests: We may also process your personal information for our legitimate interests, provided these interests are not overridden by your rights and freedoms. An example of this could be analyzing your browsing behavior to personalize your experience on our website or sending you promotional emails about products or services that might interest you (with the ability to opt-out).
Consent: In some instances, we may ask for your explicit consent to process your personal information for a specific purpose, such as subscribing to our newsletter. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the information below.

We will only process your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to improve our services to you.

Personal Information
When you place an order on the Site, we collect certain personal information from you, such as your name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (including credit card details), email address, and phone number.

Device Information
We collect information about the device you use to access the Site, such as the type of device, operating system, browser type, IP address, screen resolution, and other device identifiers.

Order Information
We collect information about your orders on the Site, such as the products or services purchased, the price, billing and shipping information, and payment method.

How We Use Your Information

We use the personal information we collect for various purposes, including:

To process and fulfill your orders, including sending you invoices and order confirmations.
To communicate with you about your order, promotions, and special events.
To personalize your experience on the Site.
To improve our Site and services.
To comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Sharing Your Information

We share your personal information with service providers who help us operate our business and fulfill your orders. These service providers are obligated to keep your information confidential and use it only for the purposes we disclose.

We may also share your personal information to comply with legal obligations, enforce our policies, protect our rights, or prevent fraud.

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Retention of Your Data
We will retain your Personal Data only for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain data by law), resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Transfer of Your Data
Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country, or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those in your jurisdiction.

Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
This Privacy Policy is effective as of 15/03/2024 and remains in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately upon being posted on this page.

Your Acceptance
By using the Site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Site.

Children’s Privacy
Our Site is not directed to children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we will delete that information immediately.

These are the rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These rights include:

The right to access your personal data
The right to rectification of your inaccurate personal data
The right to erasure of your personal data
The right to restrict the processing of your personal data
The right to data portability
The right to object to processing of your personal data

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding your personal information. These rights include:

The right to access your personal data: You have the right to request a copy of the personal information.
The right to rectification: You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
The right to erasure (“the right to be forgotten”): You have the right to request that we erase your personal information from our records.
The right to restrict processing: You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information.
The right to data portability: You have the right to request that we transfer your personal information.
The right to object to processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us using the information below.We will respond to your request within one month of receipt.
In some complex cases, the response time may be extended by an additional two months, but we will notify you of any such extension.

Contact Us

For any questions or to exercise your Data Subject Rights under GDPR, please contact us:

    By email: security@veintiuno-diez.com